Thursday, 23 June 2011

Ridiculous Speech Ever!

           Okay, I have a debate practice today which the venue is quite far from my 'mahallah'(dorm) but still i manage to get there safely after hisbah(comittee) meeting that end about 8:30. We're divided into several group consist around 7 people to discuss on certain topic. However, the topic given was unthinkable and unimaginable ( does this word actuly exist? nvm). There are bout' 7 topic to be discuss i think... and 1 of it was....

That's topic gain the whole attention at the moment --' It was funny coz the girls have to be the one who'll be presenting --' So, "they have to" stated that they needed man really badly to do some work done such as repairing and all that. They also stated that they're just enslaving men to do their chores coz they can't accept the fact that men are WAY BETTER! Hahaha.However, there are certain things that I've agreed on, which is men produce quantity and woman produce quality. But, in this modern era, we have to do things fast and to be submited on time and the quantity is very important. So, once again, men is always on the lead! Sorry gurls ~

The topic seems harsh but actually they've made a good job discussing that particular unreasonable thing! Well, i'll give you some example, people nowdays hate to queue up and stuck with stupid procedure that take weeks or month. So people just bribe them, it's ok! The thing is, when you stuck on something, bribe them! U'll get it fast! TRUST ME. Hahaha

Woah! this topic seems really sensitive but you really should see them presenting. In fact, they've a very great effort to make us believed that racism should be allowed nowadays. I'll just give 1 example, Malay people don't wear baju kurung today unless they were force to/during Hari Raya, and, we have to accept the fact that no one speak proper malay around us anymore. So, we really should be racism nowadays. But, 1st of all we need to understand the "racism they're discussing about" is actually how today people love their races. EX: we should speak malay properly, wear our traditional clothes. That's what they meant by racism.

Actualy, there are a lot of topic to be discussed bout, However, i really cant write it down now --' Plus, it's 3 in the morning, my head already stucked --'

1 tin roasted black coffee

Okay, sekarang pukul 12 dan aku rase letih gile sebab study math, ad la dalam 3 jam (plus rehat r). Agak tension gak sebab ad org cari pasal ngan ak --' Fuh~ Then ak kluar 'mahallah' (hostel) gi bli bnde nak makan sket. Then aku nmpak air tin roasted black coffee. Aku mmg takleh nmpak nescafe or coffee r, lelagi paket yg warne hitam. Mmg marvelous r. Tapi sbnrnye bnde ni x elok sgt minum malam2 nnt taleh nk tido --'

      Tapi malam ni ak tension sgt, so ak bantai gak black coffee. Pergh, pastu trus smbung math balik. Masalahnye smpai skang aku takleh tido lagi --' Nasib baik esok kelas pukul 10. So, ape agi, main r dota en. Hahaha. Tulis blog, usha FB. Revise skit2. Malam2 ni aman sket coz sume dah tido en.

      Actly xde ap sgt nk tulis un. Nway, hidup baru kt university ni mmg kene pndai manage mase sndiri. So, aku bnci gile kalo orang cakap "wei, nape ko x kjut ak doe, kelas ak kol 8 la" Duh, bley blah! Xde mase nak pikir jadual org lain. Kalau tau ssh nk bngun uh, pesan r awal2 ad kelas kol 8 or pasang alarm. And one more thing, dah pasang alarm tu plak jgn x reti nk tutup --'

Saturday, 18 June 2011


Fuh~ selepas lame gile x update blog, so it's time to do some work back. Busy ouh semenjak jadi student u ni. Hehe. But, aku takkan lepaskan peluang utk tgk movie2 yg best kt cinema sekarang ni ;D Oleh sebab jarang dapat 'kuar' so aku pon take opportunity ni utk tgk 3 movie in 1 evening, repeat, 3 movie! Fuh, mmg muntah movie la. Dengan tak mandinya --' ak pon pgi ke galaxy ampang (coz dkat n x jem sgt) utk tgk movie2 ni. Lets check it out!

1st movie is Kungfu Panda 2. Around pukul 12:30 la. Lepas je parking kete, terus lari bli 2 tiket trus,(x-men skali). Citer ni ad banyak 'question' like, sape sebenarnye PO ni ? Sape parent die? and macam2 lagi la. Citer ni akan merungkaikan 'history' Po ni. Citer ni bermula apabila 'Guardian' Kota GongMeng yg hebat ditewas kan oleh seekor peacock demi menakluk seluruh China. Tapi tukang tilik meramalkan Peacock ni akan ditewaskan oleh makhluk 'hitam putih' iaitu PO. Selebihnya korang tgk r sendiri. Cerita ni bnyk elemen surprising yg mmg unexpected. Ak highly recomend korang tgk citer ni ;D
Macam yg korang tau, citer ni pasal histrory disebalik penubuhan x-men oleh profesor X. Pada asalnya, tak ada orang tau wujudnya mutan ni dan dorang masing2 menyorokkan identiti supaya tak dikenali. Makin lame, makin ramai mutan yg dijumpai. Pastu, prof X dan magneto pon berjumpa n tubuhkan pasukan, dorng ni memang kawan baik r dulu until magneto decide utk bawak haluan dia sendiri. Cerita ni bermula pada zaman soviet agak berkuasa dulu and very very very complicated story. So, no recommended for children, coz dorng x kan paham un citer ni --' Tapi mmg best r sbb bnyk conflik2 n persoalan yg ad dalam citer ni dan kite akan cakap "Oooo, camtu rupenye" "Ooo magneto dulu baik" "Ooo Bigfoot sbnrnye BEAST" dan bnyk lagi r surprises. Tgk sndiri!

Citer Malay ni mmg best! Ade 2 persoalan yg nk diketengahkan. Antaranya, pergaduhan 2 kongsi gelap (dragon ngan king) dan konflik keluarga Malek (aaron azis) sbb adik die 'Jai' pon gangster gak. Citer ni bermula bila Malek yg baru kluar dari 7 tahun penjara. Die ni dulu mmg gangster yg digeruni r dan kawan baik King. Tapi die dah clean n x nak terlibat dengan gangsterisme ni. Malangnye, die tetap gak diburu oleh musuh2 lame die. Tapi still die keep on dgn kerja kat pasar sampailah die terpaksa melibatkan diri balik dalam gangsterisme ni atas sbb2 tertentu. Make sure korang tgk r citer ni sbb mmg best ;D Aku paling ske watak Jozan dlam citer ni. Mmg lawak gle, bile die muncul je, 1 hall gelak. Haha